About Goldholly

Discovering a drink without compromise.

Imagine a caffeinated drink that's delicious, good for you, and good for the planet.

It's a revolutionary idea, with a simple answer. During a trip to Texas in 2021, we stumbled upon yaupon holly, a little plant with a lot of potential. After years of additional research, it became obvious that yaupon needed a much bigger audience.

Pictured: hands-on research into yaupon at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, TX.

It's the beginning of something great.

Tea is a $15 billion industry in the USA. That's $15 billion driven by a crop that can cause deforestation, chemical runoff from nitrogen fertilizers, and energy-intensive shipping from overseas.

Add in America's demand for water-intensive coffee. Or chemical-filled energy drinks + sugary sodas.

If even 1% of this demand turned to clean, sustainable, energizing US-grown yaupon instead - what happens?

Our Mission

We believe that biodiversity is a human right, and that our food systems have a critical role to play in reducing emissions & improving ecosystems.

Goldholly is proud to sell 100% US-grown yaupon. Our product is certified regenerative and USDA organic, from leaf to cup.

Our products are recyclable and compostable.